Our Mission

The mission of Life Connection Ministries is to help empower communities around the world by offering humanitarian relief through 1) natural food, 2) spiritual food, and 3) economic development. Ecclesiastes says, “A three chord strand is not easily broken.” LCM is making a difference in this generation and generations to come through hands on ministry beginning in these three spheres.

We understand the diversity of needs present in the Eastern Cape of South Africa through our annual mission trips. Witnessing first-hand the rampant spread of AIDS/HIV, lack of clean water, hunger and increased unemployment has driven us to fulfill this mission. Because of generous donors, we have drilled several wells to provide fresh water, erected community greenhouses that provide thousands of vegetable plants and constructed classrooms for at-risk children and orphans. Committed to making a difference, we deliver hope to those who may have lost it by sharing the love of Jesus.

Global reach. Personal impact.

Our world needs to experience the hope and life that is only found in Christ. This is why we’re committed to developing uncompromising followers of Christ who transform our world. Will you join us today?

Life Connection Ministries is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and your contribution over and above the fair market value of any products received is tax deductible as allowed by law in the United States.

“A three-stranded chord is not easily broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Our Partners

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”

Romans 10:15

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