Spiritual Food
Just like we need natural food and water to live, we need spiritual food for our spirit to live and enter into eternal life. John 6:50 reads, “Anyone who eats the bread from heaven, however, will never die.” Life Connection Ministries believes spiritual food is just as much as a necessity to the community we serve as natural food is. The Word of God is described as water, milk, bread and meat for our lives in the Bible.
Life Connection Ministries is committed to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our primary focus has been to introduce the children and young people to a real God that loves and accepts them just as they are. We have partnered with local public schools in the area to provide outreach meetings that are fun yet filled with spiritual truths that draw the students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
During our tent revivals, thousands of people walk for miles to hear the message of Jesus Christ from the Life Connection Ministries missionary team. We make it a priority to visit homes during the day in the rural village to pray for needs of local families.